Sunday, February 06, 2011


I finally added some new prints to my art wall and I can officially say that it is now complete.
I started with only three - the Egyptian hieroglyphs (exclusively drawn by my boy!) and the two prints on top of it - the apple picker and the shy green lady. And piece by piece I arranged it to look as it does now.
This art wall is in our living room and I have the idea of having one more - in the bedroom. I've decided that since all the prints on this wall are drawn by me, all the prints on the other one would be someone else's work. Guess what I'm starting with: Happy Moment, sent to me by Monique. How's that for a start? :)



  1. Your art wall is lovely. The arrangement turned out great and of course the illustrations are amazing. I think the yellow umbrella and the tree with the red sky are my favorites. Happy Moments is a great place to start lady. Looking forward to seeing the next collage of art.

  2. yay, it is getting so big! i love everything together it is really coming along nicely!


  3. All of them are purely awesome, but the tree is my favourite! And of course the two girls in the sun, cause that's Nina and her soulmate (according to my interpretation). :))


  4. The art wall looks really lovely!


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