I guess it's true that you find something only when you stop searching.
I've seen tons of pictures of these sweets and was pretty sure that I wouldn't be able to find them in Bulgaria. First of all, it took me a whole lot of time to understand that they are called macarons and are typical french cookies that look sooo good and taste even better.
I searched everywhere, only to find a similar-looking cookie in Starbucks, which wasn't even colourful. So, I had forgotten about macarons. Until today.
My boy surprised me with a cute little carton box today and when I saw the cute little cookies inside, I nearly cried. They not only look amazing, but they taste as heaven as well!
So, run to your local pastry shop and ask for macarons! You won't regret it!
Oh my goodness!! You're sooo lucky - he's a keeper! ;) haha what do they taste like? I have no idea if they sell them here in Canada, but I definitely have to check now. lucky you!